

Bob Scott

Bob Scott is the Founder and President of Irrigation Consultant Services, Inc. created in 1983. Irrigation Consultant Services was created to be a leader in golf irrigation design and consultation on projects in golf throughout the United States and internationally. The advancement of irrigation water resource development and sustainable water projects have pushed Irrigation Consultant Services’ techniques for irrigation design and consultation to the forefront of the golf irrigation field. Irrigation Consultant Services involved in reuse/recycled water treatment, ground water and pond development coordination. Irrigation Consultant Services was awarded the American Society of Irrigation Consultants (ASIC) National Awards (Honor and Merit Awards) for our work in waste-water on the Fulton County Water Reclamation Plant for the Atlanta Athletic Club and Lake Pumping System for Stone Mountain Golf Course and the Belmont Golf Club – Bermuda for R/O water development and golf irrigation installation techniques. Scott received his degree from Riverside College in Riverside, Calif. He is Certified by the Irrigation Association (IA) in both Golf, and Commercial Design and Landscape Auditor. He is also an EPA Water Sense Partner. Past service: American Society of Irrigation Consultants (Fellow 2019), (ASIC 2008-2010 President); Irrigation Association (Certification Board of Governor’s). He is a member of GCSAA, and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).
